MAR 1, 2022
The European Resuscitation Council, an international scientific non-profit organisation, is the network of 33 National Resuscitation Councils in Europe and beyond. Our mission is to preserve human life.
The European Resuscitation Council is appalled by the current invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We therefore join other international scientific organisations in strongly condemning the attack on the Ukrainian people. We are calling upon Russia to end this aggression immediately. Healthcare workers and healtcare facilities in particular should not be targeted.
Our hearts are with our colleagues and friends of the Ukranian Resuscitation Council, who receive our full support. They are doing a magnificent job to protect and save lives in their country. We call upon all National Resuscitation Councils to unite efforts and to take any action possible to help relieve human suffering caused by this war.
Prof. Dr. Koen Monsieurs
European Resuscitation Council